Monday, December 1, 2008

Potential Committees/Working Groups

This blog post is intended to start a discussion on committees: what they should be, who they might comprise, the structure they might take.
  • Which committees do we need to get up and running as soon as possible, and who would like to be a part of those committees?
  • What are folks' ideas on the structure of the organizing body as whole?
  • Should we even call them "committees"?
Comment away!



brendan said...

What do people think about the idea of forming committees around issues (e.g. Finance/Budget Committee; Programing Committee; Practitioner's Advisory Committee) and then one or two people from each of these group forms a "Steering Committee"?

This way people are committed to specific aspects of the conference or other pre/post conference events as well as "steering" the organization as a whole.

Floydie said...

I was wondering what feelings are about different applications of PTO work and if the programming for each should be handled in different ways.
For example:
-Activism and Agiprop
-Peace building and Conflict Resolution
-Community development/popular education.
Please feel free to rip apart these labels.
...Stephen Sillett

JennyJ said...

Are people discussing things elsewhere because there does not seem to be much discussion on this blog? If so, please tell me where so I can join.

I agree with Brendan's suggestion, about forming committee's around issues.

I pose a few questions:

How many people want to be on the Steering committee and how many people want to just be involved in a committee?

What were the results of that paper that was passed around where people expressed their interests?

I think the above would be helpful in looking at where to start. Should we go from issue committees and pick people to a steering committee or from a steering committee breaking out into issue committees.
