Sunday, November 30, 2008

new folks!

I have just added everyone who signed up to be a reader on this blog. So for those folks who can now read our Steering Committee Blog, please start commenting and let us know what we should be talking about in this forum.
If you have links you'd like me to add, you can post a comment or email me with the link and I will add it to the links section of the blog.
If you have any questions about blogging, you can direct them to me:

One things we need to do a-sap that we didn't get to in the meeting:
  • choose a PTO Board Liaison: one person who will handle communications with the PTO Board in the U.S.A.
Comments? Questions? Nominations?

Minutes from the last meeting should be available shortly!

That's all for now!
Robyn Letson (RL)

1 comment:

brendan said...

So far I have been "liaising" with the PTO Board in the USofA.

If nobody else wants the job I will accept that role. Please don't hesitate to volunteer, I'm not attached to the job. I also would love to share the job with somebody(s) if anyone(s) else is interested.