Sunday, March 1, 2009

Report from Feb. 26th Steering Committee Meeting

So attendance at the last meeting was pretty slim - just Emily, Sara, Hartley Bonnie and I. We felt that we lacked quorum to make any decisions of a substantial nature.

We propose that we have the next meeting Friday, March 20th, 3:30pm at the OISE Peace Lounge. If it's ok with chris, he and Hartley will get their chance to facilitate and take minutes.

We are starting to get to the point where some serious decisions need to be made. The five of us spent the time this past Thursday assembling an outline for an agenda for the 20th. Feel free to add to this...

1. Set a date for the conference.

2. Decide on a (or some) place(s) to hold the conference.

3. Choosing a theme for the conference - Brendan will contact the PTO Board and get a list of all past themes (to be distributed by email).

5. Report from meeting with Warren Linds and discuss the creation of a "conference proposal" in conjunction with Warren, Ellie and Alejandra (Liaison committee from PTO)

6. Discuss Hussan's offer to do some anti-colonial education with the steering committee.

7. Reports from the sub-committees.

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